The Evolution
of Energy


Australia’s east coast gas market is in crisis. Demand is dramatically outpacing supply. Northstar Energy’s Project Cosmos aims to serve the pending supply-demand imbalance.

Northstar Energy’s plans to develop a network of scalable net zero clean fuels and energy projects, Energy Evolution Hubs, which combine the development of renewable energy into ‘green’ hydrogen and ammonia production and the exploration and delineation of hydrocarbon resources into ‘blue’ hydrogen, ammonia and fertiliser products


Project Cosmos

Gas Development

A large undeveloped coal seam gas (CSG) resource in Queensland, Project Cosmos will serve domestic and export gas markets as well as fuel production of blue hydrogen, low carbon fuels and derivatives such as fertiliser.


2021 – 2041 (PJ) Progressive change scenario

Source: AEMO Gas Statement of Opportunities March 2022

Project Polaris

Solar Station

Project Polaris aims to be a grid-connected solar photovoltaic station to generate renewable electricity, and to fuel production of green hydrogen.


A Minute With The CEO

Our Path to Carbon Net Zero

Vision and Values

Project Cosmos

Board of Directors

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